2016 DELCO RRC Volkswanderung Another Success by Byron Mundy
- Over 100 people joined Delco RRC to celebrate the 25th Thanksgiving Volkswanderung in Ridley Creek State Park
Our club celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Volkswanderung at Ridley Creek State Park on Thanksgiving morning November 24, 2016. Nearly 100 people of all ages turned out for walking, running and socializing. Event founder Robert (Bob) Koerner, age 82, was in attendance, and he completed the 4.3 mile prediction run in 59:10, nearly 9 minutes faster than his predicted time. A total of $ 1455 was collected in entry fees and extra donations, all of which will be donated to local food banks. Beautiful commemorative stainless steel water bottles went to all registrants. Many thanks to directors Mary Beth Mundy, Shirley Weber, and Diane Lista for making the event so enjoyable for all. Photos of the event can be viewed and downloaded here. Seventy-one runners completed the 4.3 mile prediction run with pies being awarded to the top 25 predictors. The top 14 are listed below: