Running Club Fights Hunger
At the 2017 Volkwanderung gathering on Thanksgiving Day, Delco RRC raised over $1250 in donations for two local food banks; Loaves and Fishes in Prospect Park and the Media Food Bank. 100% of the registration fees went to this effort. On January 25, club member John Greenstine represented the club as he presented a check to Bonnie Scarborough and Carol Burns at the Media Food Bank.

John Greenstine presents Bonnie Scarborough and Carol Burns with donation from Delco RRC
Local food banks like these need donations of food and money year round to fight food insecurity, one of the most persistent social problems we face. In addition to donations of food–non-perishable items like canned and packaged products are welcome–the food banks especially need items that cannot be purchased with food stamps. These include soap, diapers, baby formula, feminine hygiene products and toilet paper. The food banks will break down large, warehouse-store quantities into individual portions, and they will do the same with highly-desired bulk items like rice, beans, and ground coffee.
You can learn more here about supportingĀ Loaves and Fishes and the Media Food Bank.