Volkswanderung 2018 attracts 60

Sixty people turned out for our annual Delco RRC Volkswanderung at Ridley Creek State Park on Thanksgiving morning, November 22. Sunny skies prevailed but freezing temperatures kept the turnout slightly smaller than previous years. All registration fees, totaling $1060, will be given to a local food bank. Turquoise blue and khaki tan caps were given to all participants. Event founder Bob Koerner was in attendance.

Event Founder Bob Koerner
Many thanks for event directors Mary Beth Mundy, Shirley Weber, and their committee. A 4.3 mile prediction run was won by John Ashton, who hit his predicted time right on the button. The top 16 finishers were awarded pies donated by many of the participants.
See a gallery of pictures of the event here.
Top predictions shown below.
Place Name Predict Actual Diff.
1 John Ashton 37:25 37:25 0
2 Will Whitmore 29:55 29:48 07
3 Lexi Thomas 46:00 46:08 08
4 Analeigh Crisanti 58:00 58;17 17
5 Laurie Milnes 52:04 52:23 19
6t Bill McGurk 38:00 38:20 20
6t Meg Nilan 42:03 41:43 20
8t Chris Begley 38:58 38:35 23
8t Janice Urbans 40:40 41:03 23
10 Betty Lou Douglas 38:50 39:15 25
11 Terry Adamson 52:52 52:21 31
12 Steve Whitmore 39:13 38:41 32
13 Glenn Bowman 35:00 34:11 49
14 Kelly Shaughnessy 38:17 37;25 52
15t Milosh Kostic 29:00 29:54 54
15t Mark Campbell 42:00 41:06 54
17 Bob Fyfe 39:39 38:41 58

Prediction Run winners show off their awards