Annual Thanksgiving Volkswanderung
Over 50 runners came out on Thanksgiving morning for the 2023 Delco RRC Volkswanderung at Ridley Creek State Park, organized by the club board of directors. In the spirit of the holiday, attendees contributed a donation of $750 to the Loaves and Fishes Food Bank in Prospect Park. The featured prediction run was fiercely contested, with the first place margin of just 1 second, and dozens of competitors choosing their prize from pies donated by attendees.
This was the 32nd Volkswanderung at Ridley Creek. The event started in 1991 after the popular Fairmount Park Turkey Trot was discontinued. Club leader Tom Hirsch worked with the park to establish the new event and longtime members Bob and Paula Koerner paid for commemorative tee shirts and named the event for a traditional German community activity.
This panoramic photo and others from the event can be viewed and downloaded at this link.